Tuesday, October 18, 2011
tag mengetag.. :) *ily..
hye hye hye.. saye ditag oleh Diey Shayunk :) .. okay, lets start!
2 . Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal .
3 . Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post . And creat eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer .
4 . you have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post .
5 .go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER 6 . no TAG BACKS .
7 : no stuff in the tagging section about " YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOUARE READING THIS " YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY , TRUST , WITH ALL HONESTY ) have to tagged 11 people .
ni soalan nyer :
1- are you taken or single ?
2- where the best place that you really like to visit ?
3- u wirtten left and or right hand ?
4- who the best person in you life ?
5- are you hate your ex-boyfie/gurlfie ?
6- what your favourite celebrities ?
7- the best song ever ?
8- are you like gossip ?
9- you hate medicine ?
10- are you stiil watching cartoon ?
11- are you love animal
ni lak jawapan saya.. :
1- already taken by Mr. Superman
2- saye suke pergi pantai la...
3-menulis menggunakan tangan kanan.
4- family, friends and him. <3
5- nop.. tak benci la.. sebab tak ade ex.. haha
6- Lisa Surihani.. :)
7- Ballard of Mona Lisa
8- sometimes.. bergossip apabila perlu sahaja.. haha
9- absolutely yes.. :)
10- favorite tv show tuh tgk cartoon.. haha
11- err... kureng.. :)
ni soalan daripada aku :
1- who is your first love name?
2 - what you would do if you know someone that you love died?
3 - your dream?
4 - who is your best buddies?
5 -what are you thinking about ?
6 - the most wonderful experience ?
7 - favourite song ?
9 - your favourite things ?
10 - how did you get your name?
11 - something that you could never get tired of doing?
1 . Syafiqa Huda
2 . Diyanah
3 . Anis Illyiin
4 . Azrina
5 .Sys Asyiqin
6. 'Inani
7 . Nabilah
8 . Nad Jamal
10 . Sarah
11 . Shamimi
0 loner (s)